International Teams
Interest in the Donate Life Transplant Games continues to rise both within the United States as well as from the international community. We are very excited to welcome everyone who wishes to help further the cause of promoting organ, eye, and tissue donation and we'd like to clarify the rules for our international friends. International participants are welcome to register for Transplant Games of America events.
Our mission to highlight the amazing medical miracle of transplantation and to honor the sacrifice of living and deceased donors crosses all borders, all countries, around the globe. Internationally-based recipients and living donors may compete in one of three ways:
Option 1: International competitors may compete as an international team (example: Team Australia, Team Mexico, Team Italy, etc). All other team rules apply.
Option 2: International competitors may compete as individuals (No team affiliation)
Option 3: International competitors may compete as guest team members of a U.S. based team. Guest team-members must indicate their “guest” status when they register. We will add the appropriate question on the registration site.
Please Note: International athletes will compete and when appropriate will be awarded duplicate medals so as not to eliminate U.S. athletes from medal consideration. Medals awarded to international competitors competing with U.S. teams will not count toward overall team medal counts.

Transplant Games of America

Transplant Games of America

Transplant Games of America

Transplant Games of America